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A Hidden Life
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中学2年のときにボーカロイドでの楽曲制作を始め、ニコニコ動画を中心に活躍し、2012年に16歳でCDデビューを飾った若き音楽家・椎名もた。それから3年が経ち、20歳を目前に発表される最新作『生きる』は、これまでの人生を振り返り、全13曲にそれぞれサブテーマが設定された濃密なコンセプトアルバムになっている。そこで今回は、アルバムに沿って20年の歩みを振り返り、椎名もたの魅力を改めて検証すると共に、人生の節目を迎えた現在の心境を本人の口からじっくりと語ってもらった。これは「ボーカロイド世代」の一面を切り取った貴重なテキストであり、一人の表現者の成長の記録である。 まんがみたいな、19年間の人生でした 「おさき真っ白、うしろ真っ黒 まんがみたいな、人生でした これからも、これからも」。こんなキャッチコピーが添えられた椎名もたの3作目『生きる』は、3月9日に20歳の誕生日を迎える椎名が、これまでの人生を振り返って制作した、コンセプチュアルな作品である。「誕生」をテーマに描いた1曲目からスタートし、「未来」「人生」について歌う曲で締めくくるこの1枚は、椎名自身の人生における心境の変化をそのまま音楽に落とし込んだドキュメンタリーアルバムとも言える。 椎名 :20歳を迎えるにあたって、何か記念になる作品を作りたいという思いがまずありました。ちょっと前に「ひどすぎる耳コピを作った中学生」として話題になった黒魔(2007年にニコニコ動画に投稿された『中二の俺がスーパーマリオブラザーズを頑張って耳コピしてみた』でひどい耳コピを披露したが、8年の時を経て抜群の作曲力を持つミュージシャンに成長したということが話題になった)っているじゃないですか? 僕、今そいつとルームシェアしてるんですけど、彼が作った『想いで旅行記』ってCDがすごい好きだったんです。黒魔が行ったことのある場所をテーマに、ピアノだけで奏でるっていうコンセプトアルバムだったんですけど、それを聴いて僕もコンセプチュアルな作品を作ってみようと思ったのと、それと同時に、「今後音楽で食べていくことを考えると、ただ好きに作品を作るのはこれが最後かも」とも思ったんです。だから、これまでの人生を振り返った作品にしようって。 地元での成人式、中学の頃から一番変わったのは自分だった 去る1月11日、椎名は地元である石川県小松市の成人式に出席。そのときに撮った写真が今回のアーティスト写真として使われている。 椎名もた アーティスト写真 椎名 :うちの地域は治安が悪くて、成人式っていう刹那の瞬間なのに、「エンドレス」って旗を掲げたリーゼントの人たちがいたのにはびっくりしました(笑)。あと、僕は地元のテレビや新聞に何度か取り上げられたことがあって、変に有名になってたので、友達から「今アーティストやってるんでしょ? 印税どうなの?」とかすごい訊かれて……。 ―周りとは少し温度差がありました? 椎名 :衝撃だったのは、ひさしぶりに会った地元の友達が車を持ってたこととか、昔は全然女っ気なかったやつが「あの子のLINE教えてよ」とか言ってきたりしたことですね。 ―でも、もたくん自身も当時から相当変わったんじゃないですか? 椎名 :めちゃくちゃ言われました。ってか、自分で言ってましたもん(笑)。「みんな変わったけど、僕が一番変わったよね」って言ったら、「マジそれな!」って(笑)。小学校や中学校のときは漫画が大好きだったので、ずっと1人で絵を描いてるか、もしくは同じ趣味の根暗な友達といじけ合ってるかだったんですよね。でも、ネットで活動するようになってから、人に対してだいぶオープンになったと思います。 椎名もた そもそも椎名が音楽の道を歩み始めたのは、まだ4歳のとき。姉がエレクトーンを習っていた影響で教室に通い始め、それが現在に至る作曲の基盤となっている。しかし、ボーカロイドと出会うまでの音楽活動は、苦い思い出の方が多かったようだ。 椎名 :通ってたエレクトーンの教室が体育会系で、先生に「そこが弾けるようになるまで、私に話しかけないで」とか言われて、泣きながら練習してたのを覚えてます。すごく嫌でした。 ―それでも、音楽自体は嫌いにならなかったんですね。 椎名 :好きだったんでしょうね。だからこそ、小5でマーチングバンドに入って頑張ってました。僕らの年代は謎の団結力があって、全国大会まで行きましたからね。 ―中学校のときは? 椎名 :中学でも吹奏楽に入ったんですけど、女子の先輩からいじめにあったんです。放課後に公園裏でカバンの中身をひっくり返されて、ものを投げられたりして、家に帰ってきてわんわん泣いているような毎日だったので、部活はやめました。その部活をやめたと同時に初音ミクを知って、「1人で完結できる音楽があるんだ」と思って没頭したんですよね。だから、今回「成長」っていうテーマをどう曲に落とし込もうか考えたときに、「あ、いじめだ」って思ったんです。なので、“ワガハイは”(2曲目)は「いじめってなくならないよね」って曲なんです。 『生きる』初回限定盤(CD+DVD) 2015年3月4日(水)発売 価格:3, 240円(税込) UMA-9051/2 [CD] 1. アライブ・コンシャス 2. ワガハイは 3. 9から0へ 4. ドラッグ・スコア 5. プリーズテルミーミスターワンダー 6. 夢でも逢えない人がいる 7. ハンシンハン=ギミー 8. 普通に歳をとるコトすら 9. 少女A 10. みんなの黙示録 11. 6畳半の隙間から 12. アイケアビコーズ 13. さよーならみなさん [DVD] 1. “ピッコーン!!”PV 2. “3年C組14番窪園チヨコの入閣”PV 3. “さよーならみなさん”PV ※二つ折り紙ジャケット、表紙カバー仕様 『生きる』通常盤(CD) 価格:2, 700円(税込) UMA-1051 椎名もた(しいな もた) 幼少の頃よりギター、ドラム、エレクトーンなどの楽器を嗜んでおり、中学2年(14歳)の時よりDTMを始める。その後、「ぽわぽわP」としてVOCALOIDを使用した楽曲の投稿を始め、開始後より人気を博し、代表曲“ストロボラスト”をはじめとしたストロボシリーズによりその地位を確固たるものへとする。そんな中、2011年初頭、突然の活動休止。半年後、GINGAとの邂逅により活動を再開し、2012年3月デビューアルバム『夢のまにまに』を発表し賛否両論の話題を呼ぶ。コミック雑誌『コミカロイド』への漫画執筆など音楽以外での活動も広げている。VOCALOIDシーンから生まれ、電子音楽シーンに舞い降りた、類まれなるサウンドメイキングと天性のグルーブ感、心の隙間にスルッと入り込む、どこか人懐っこい詩世界を合わせ持つ、弱冠19歳の驚異である。.

Sugizo Sugizo in 2011 Background information Birth name Yasuhiro Sugihara ( 杉原 康弘) Born July 8, 1969 (age 50) Hadano, Kanagawa, Japan Genres Rock heavy metal psychedelic electronica world experimental ambient Occupation(s) Musician singer songwriter composer record producer actor writer activist Instruments Vocals guitar violin Years active 1986–present Labels Cross/ Polydor Embryo Nippon Crown Sephirot Universal Avex Trax Wakyo Associated acts Luna Sea X Japan S. K. I. N. Juno Reactor Stop Rokkasho Website Yūne Sugihara ( Japanese: 杉原 有音, Hepburn: Sugihara Yūne), born Yasuhiro Sugihara ( 杉原 康弘, Sugihara Yasuhiro, on July 8, 1969 in Hadano, Kanagawa, Japan), better known exclusively by his stage name Sugizo, is a Japanese musician, singer, songwriter, composer, record producer, actor, writer, and activist. He is best known as the lead guitarist and violinist of the rock band Luna Sea since 1989. Sugizo started his solo career in 1997 and has since collaborated with a variety of different artists. In 2007 he became a member of the international trance / world music act Juno Reactor, and of the Japanese rock supergroup S. N., and in 2009 officially joined the heavy metal band X Japan. He was also part of the psychedelic jam band Shag and the shamanic electronica unit S. T. K (Sensual Technology Kooks). [1] In addition to being known for experimenting with many musical genres, mostly rock, psychedelic and electronica, he is known for his political views and for being an anti-war, anti-nuclear and environmental activist. Biography [ edit] Early life and musical education [ edit] Yūne Sugihara was born on July 8, 1969, in Hadano, Kanagawa, in Japan. His father played trumpet [2] in the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, and his mother played cello in the same orchestra. [3] He also has a younger sister. [3] From a young age, Sugizo was brought up on classical music and studied classical music theory. At the age of three, by his father's initiative, he started to learn to play the violin. [3] He practiced it for 3 hours per day, but without the right type of music or composer, began to hate playing music, and coercion from his parents aggravated his feeling of repulsion. [3] [4] The situation persisted until the age of ten. His early favorite composers included Beethoven, Bartók, [5] Liszt [5] and J. S. Bach. When Sugizo was eleven or twelve years old, he began to play the trumpet. He preferred the trumpet's "dirty" image from the 1950s through the 1970s over playing the violin, which was seen as something for higher-class people. [4] During his junior high school days, he became exposed to non-classical music types, such as the Japanese synthpop group Yellow Magic Orchestra, the British new wave group Japan, [6] David Bowie 's glam rock, and the London punk scene, forming his attraction to rock'n'roll. [4] Sugizo's parents divorced when he was in high school, and his father moved out. He has a good relationship with his mother and has since reconciled with his father, who has another family. [3] 1986–1996: Early bands and Luna Sea [ edit] Despite his father's disapproval, Sugizo acquired a bass guitar and an electric guitar and began to teach himself how to play. When he was around the age of 17, then in high school, Sugizo with Shinya on drums and Tezya on vocals formed a power metal band called Pinocchio, [7] [8] where he played as the bassist. Since the internal structure of Pinocchio was not cohesive, Sugizo and Shinya left and briefly joined Kashmir in 1988. On January 16, 1989, they both joined another band which performed at the same live houses, called Lunacy, formed by J and Inoran. With the addition of Ryuichi Kawamura, vocalist from the band Slaughter, the five formed the visual kei rock unit Lunacy. Since J was already the bass player and Inoran preferred to play rhythm guitar, Sugizo became the lead guitarist and took on his stage name, which he believes Shinya came up with. [9] Soon they were discovered by hide (then lead guitarist of X Japan), who got them signed by X Japan co-founder Yoshiki, to his independent label Extasy Records, on which they released their debut album in 1991. [10] [11] [12] Upon their first album release, the band changed their name from Lunacy to Luna Sea. They became one of the most famous rock bands in Japan, selling more than ten million records, as well as performing in China and Taiwan. Sugizo's first solo activity came in 1993, when he wrote his first solo song "Revive" for the album Dance 2 Noise 004 [13] featuring many musicians, including the group M*A*S*S, which consisted of hide, J and Inoran. In the upcoming three years, a variety of less known musical collaborations and contributions took place. 1997–2001: Solo career, Truth? [ edit] A 30-second sample of "Lucifer", the debut single from Truth? (1997). It is an experimental alternative rock song. A 30-second sample of "Tell Me Why? ", from Parallel Side of Soundtrack (2001). It is a hard rock song with guitar noise, and beat, featuring Lori Fine on vocals. A 30-second sample of "Synchronicity", from Soundtrack (2002). It is an instrumental composition which predominantly features Sugizo's violin. Problems playing these files? See media help. After Luna Sea went on break in 1997, Sugizo started his own solo career and opened the independent label "Cross" to produce other artists, as well as releasing his own records. He points out that the opening of his record label was one of his very important projects at the time, but not anymore. [14] On July 9, his debut single "Lucifer" was released and reached number 8 on the Oricon singles chart. [15] It was followed by his first solo tour "Abstract Day" which lasted until the final performance in August at Akasaka Blitz, where he was joined by DJ Krush, [16] Masami Tsuchiya and members of Japan. [17] Then on September 10 he released his second single, "A Prayer", which reached number 7 on the charts. [15] On November 19, his first solo album Truth? was released, and reached number 12 on the album charts. [18] It was met with mixed reviews, largely because of the unexpected musical style which mixed different genres with electronica beats. [19] A variety of artists participated in the album, from Ryuichi Sakamoto and Mick Karn, to Lou Rhodes and Valerie Etienne. [20] Towards the end of the year, remix editions of his two maxi singles and album were released. [15] [18] As Luna Sea resumed activities, until the band's disbandment, Sugizo collaborated in the studio with actress Miki Nakatani, [21] and singers Miu Sakamoto [22] and Vivian Hsu among others. On August 11, 1999, a compilation album titled Grand Cross 1999, sponsored by Sugizo's record label Cross, was released, featuring many musicians with whom he had worked with before and many for the first time. [ citation needed] He starred in Ken Nikai's movie Soundtrack and composed the music for the film. [23] On November 14, a compilation album inspired by the film, titled Parallel Side of Soundtrack was released, and the following year he released the single "Rest in Peace & Fly Away" featuring Bice on vocals. That same year he produced the music for, as well as danced in, Suichoku no Yume, a production by the popular contemporary dance company H. Art Chaos. [23] [24] 2002–2007: C:Lear, joining Juno Reactor [ edit] Around late 2001 he formed the solo project Sugizo & the Spank Your Juice, with whom he toured with until 2004 and released three singles; "Super Love", "Dear Life" and "No More Machineguns Play the Guitar", which entered top 50 on the charts. [15] His acting career also continued in 2002, when he starred in Isao Yukisada 's film Rock'n'roll Mishin, and the television series RedЯum, directed by Ken Nikai. [23] [25] In 2003, following the release of "No More Machineguns Play the Guitar", Sugizo released his second album C:Lear. It peaked at the number 56 on the album charts. [18] In March 2004, Sugizo formed the rock band the Flare with vocalist Yuna Katsuki. [23] He also created a new record label called "Embryo", which received major distribution from Universal Music Group for the music of The Flare. They performed at Earth Day in Tokyo, Japan's largest event devoted to environmental and peaceful causes. The band would last until 2006, releasing four singles and one album. [19] In May 2005, Sugizo organized the event "Neo Ascension Groove", with psychedelic jam session act Shag. [23] In the band he plays guitar, violin and percussion, while the music is avant-garde with concentration on rhythm. [4] In April 2006, collaborated with trumpeter Toshinori Kondo and celebrated Earth Day by participating in three shows held on April 9, 22 and 23 at the Yoyogi Koen in Tokyo. [26] [27] He later had his first performance with Juno Reactor at the Tokyo Techno Festival, after starting talks with the band in 2005 about a possible collaboration. [28] In April, he played at the Nagisa Music Festival with Shag. [29] On June 29 at the 2007 Anime Expo convention in Long Beach, California was the debut, and only, performance of S. N, a supergroup consisting of Sugizo, Yoshiki, Gackt and Miyavi. [30] [31] In July, Juno Reactor performed as the White Stage's main act on the final day of the Fuji Rock Festival. [32] On December 5, he released the remix album Spirituarise, in which artists from both Japan and overseas remixed his original tracks. [23] [33] On December 24, 2007, Luna Sea reunited for a one-night only concert at the Tokyo Dome. [34] 2008–2009: Cosmoscape, joining X Japan [ edit] Heath and Sugizo during an X Japan concert in Hong Kong, 2009 On March 28 and 29, 2008, Sugizo played at X Japan 's two reunion concerts as a stand-in along Wes Borland and Richard Fortus for the deceased hide. [35] In April, he took part in Juno Reactor's European tour. [36] On May 2, he reunited with Luna Sea again at the "hide memorial summit", a two-day concert in memory of hide, at the Ajinomoto Stadium. [37] On July 23, Sugizo released a greatest hits compilation album titled Cosmoscape. [38] The album featured various music genres, such as rock, trance, jazz, classic, bossa nova, among others, and spans his ten years of solo work. [23] During the year, Sugizo wrote a song titled "Enola Gay", named after the Boeing B-29 bomber that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. [39] He wrote the song to convey his feelings and thoughts toward the people who suffered from the aftermath of nuclear war, and to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. [40] As well, that the bomb never must be dropped again, and as his live supporting drummer Greg Ellis is American, singer Origa Russian, and him Japanese, that people from former enemy states can be friends. [12] In September joined Juno Reactor on the USA leg of their tour. [41] On December 19, at the 1, 500-seat Shibuya-AX concert hall, he held the solo concert "Rise to Cosmic Dance" playing songs from Cosmoscape, and including the new song "Enola Gay". [42] On December 31, Sugizo played with X Japan at their New Years countdown gig at Akasaka Blitz. [43] On May 1, 2009, Sugizo officially joined X Japan as lead guitarist, violinist and backing vocalist. [44] In December, Sugizo with Juno Reactor performed in the Netherlands, twice in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. [40] Upon returning to Japan, he released two new digital singles, "Messiah" and "Tell Me Why You Hide the Truth? ", via iTunes on December 16. [45] They topped iTunes electronic music charts with first and second place. [46] On December 24 and 25, he held the concert "Next Phase of Cosmic Dance" in Taipei, Taiwan. [40] 2010–2011: Flower of Life, Luna Sea reunion [ edit] Sugizo performing with X Japan in São Paulo, Brazil 2011 Upon returning to Japan, on January 27 Sugizo released two digital singles, "Fatima" and "Do-Funk Dance", [46] another on February 24 entitled "Prana", which also topped the iTunes electronic charts, [47] and one more on March 31 named "Dear Spiritual Life". [48] Sugizo was the music director and composer of the soundtrack for jidaigeki theatre stage play Nemuri Kyoshiro Buraihikae, featuring Gackt in the main role, [49] which ran for 120 performances across Japan. [50] In April he performed at the Nagisa Music Festival. [51] On July 8, Sugizo announced that he would help his friend Mick Karn, who was diagnosed with cancer, by remixing his song "Missing". The song was renamed "Missing Link" and was available for download in return for a donation on Mick's official website to help fund the expensive medical treatment. [52] [53] Mick Karn died on January 4, 2011. [54] On August 29, he held a fan club only event called "Soul's Mate Day IV". The show featured an acoustic set which was given the name "Soul's Mate Quintet". On August 31, he and Luna Sea attended a press conference in Hong Kong, where they announced that they would be touring worldwide after 10 years of inactivity. [55] From November 5 to 8, Sugizo teamed up with drummers Budgie, Leonard Eto and Mabi, and multi-instrumentalist Knox Chandler in Hong Kong, to participate in a project called "The Butterfly Effect: East-West Percussive Parade", as part of the "New Vision Arts Festival". [56] [57] On April 13, 2011, Sugizo released two singles, "No More Nukes Play the Guitar" and "The Edge". [58] On June 29, he released the single "Miranda", [59] followed by "Neo Cosmoscape" on July 27, which was remixed by System 7, [60] "Enola Gay" on August 15, [39] and "Pray for Mother Earth" on September 9, a song he wrote with Toshinori Kondo for Earth Day 2006. [26] On December 14, Sugizo released two albums, Flower of Life and Tree of Life. [61] The first is completely instrumental with psychedelic and electronica songs, while the second includes remixed songs and those done in collaboration with other artists. [61] [62] [63] In December, a four-date tour titled "Stairway to the Flower of Life" was held, with a concert in Taipei and Hong Kong. [64] [65] 2012–2015: Luna Sea, X Japan [ edit] Sugizo with Luna Sea in Singapore, 2013 In 2012, besides being vastly involved with Luna Sea, two digital songs were released, titled "Final of the Messiah" and "Super Love 2012", followed by concerts. [66] [67] The final concert of the small "Ascension to the Consientia" tour was on September 17, at Akasaka Blitz. [68] On May 30, the original soundtrack composed and produced by Sugizo for the theare stage play 7 Doors was released, and he also starred in the play, a staging of Bartók 's opera Bluebeard's Castle. [69] On March 6, 2013, his remix album Vesica Pisces was released, including remixes by Juno Reactor, System 7, and The Orb. [70] [71] On April 23, The Golden Sun of the Great East cam out, the second Juno Reactor's studio album feauting Sugizo. [72] Sugizo collaborated with a number of musicians on Dead End 's tribute album, specifically on the song "Serafine". [73] Sugizo was the musical director and composer for the new staging of Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein, staged by the same producer of the earlier 7 Doors play. [74] On December 11, A Will, Luna Sea's new studio album was released after thirteen years. [75] On December 23, the solo tour "Thrive to Realize" started in Kobe, [71] and ended on December 29 at Shibuya-AX in Tokyo. [76] [77] In 2014, in March joined and performed on 50th anniversary concert of his long-time friend Morrie, the frontman of band Dead End. [78] In April a multi-media project, "Art of Parties" was announced, a live installation incorporating art, video, music and dance, featuring other artists, as well. [79] In September, he appeared and performed at the event "The Solar Budokan". [80] [81] [82] On September 24, a compilation of classical music selected by Sugizo was released, some of the tracks re-arranged by him. [83] [84] In January, Sugizo was a guest at film score composer Ikuro Fujiwara's solo piano concert. [85] On March 11, he took part in the Peace on Earth event in Yoyogi Park for a memorial ceremony of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. [86] In April, he covered the track Bike, for Maaya Sakamoto 's 20th anniversary tribute album, [87] and was scheduled to appear at the Tanz Too Noise Muzik Festival in Hong Kong, but the event was eventually cancelled. [88] In May, he participated in Juno Reactor 's short Japanese tour, performing in Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo. [89] [90] On May 3, he joined fellow Luna Sea member Ryuichi and conductor Ikuro Fujiwara for a 'Symphonic Luna Sea Reboot' concert. [91] In June, he toured extensively with Luna Sea, performing in 32 concerts in 16 cities across Japan. [92] He performed at Makuhari Messe at Luna Sea's Lunatic Fest, also with X Japan. [93] On July 8, his Spiritual Classic Sugizo Selection Ⅱ compilation album was released. [94] In the same month he performed at the In Order To Dance Vol. 1 event, along with Takkyu Ishino and others. [95] X Japan's first domestic tour of Japan in 20 years began with three consecutive dates at Yokohama Arena on December 2, continued with Osaka-jō Hall on December 7, Marine Messe Fukuoka on December 9, Hiroshima Green Arena on December 11, and finished on December 14 at the Nippon Gaishi Hall. [96] They also performed on Kōhaku Uta Gassen for the first time in 18 years. [97] 2016–present [ edit] On March 11, 2016, he again participated in the free of charge Peace on Earth event, [98] then appeared on Kazumi Watanabe 's Guitar is Beautiful KW45 45th anniversary album with the tracks "Round Midnight" and "Island Hop". [99] In April, he performed at Earth Day Tokyo, [100] In June, he held a solo concert with fellow Luna Sea member Inoran, titled Sugizo vs Inoran Presents Best Bout. [101] In August, a cover of " Life on Mars? " was released as a digital single in tribute to David Bowie. [102] It was followed up by "Lux Aeterna" in September [103] and "Raummusik" in October. [104] X Japan headlined all three nights of the Visual Japan Summit on October 14–16, 2016 at Makuhari Messe. [105] As a celebration of the 20th anniversary of his solo debut, Sugizo set out on a national tour, [106] with his new album, Oto released in November. [107] At the end of December, he performed with Luna Sea at Saitama Super Arena for a two-day concert. [108] On March 4, 2017, Sugizo took the stage at Wembley Arena in London with X Japan. [109] On May 24 it was revealed that Sugizo has been experimenting with alternative energy sources to power his guitar system, testing the Toyota Mirai and Honda Clarity fuel cells and the system would be put to live test during Luna Sea 's May 29 Budokan show. [110] At the end of 2017, Sugizo released a solo album titled Oneness M, featuring a different vocalist on each song, including for example Toshi of X Japan and Teru from Glay. He also asked the vocalists to contribute to the lyrics. [111] Sugizo produced the theme songs for the 2019 Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet anime. Luna Sea provided the opening themes, but for the ending themes he decided to collaborate with female singers. The first is Sugizo feat. Glim Spanky covering Daisuke Inoue's "Meguriai" ( めぐりあい), and the second is a cover of Hiroko Moriguchi 's "Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete" ( 水の星へ愛をこめて) by Sugizo feat. KOM_I ( Wednesday Campanella). [112] [113] The third is the new song "A Red Ray" by Sugizo feat. miwa, which he composed and arranged while she wrote the lyrics. [113] The last is Sugizo feat. Aina The End ( BiSH) covering "Hikari no Hate" ( 光の涯), which was originally on his album Oneness M with lyrics and vocals provided by Morrie. [114] In 2019, Sugizo helped produce the Chinese pop rock band VOGUE5. [115] Personal life [ edit] Divorced, [116] Sugizo has a daughter named Luna Artemis Sugihara, who was born on April 27, 1996 in Tokyo, Japan. In an interview he said that her birth has transformed him the most and "when you love your daughter, you begin to love all children. Although this might sound grandiose, nothing will make me happier than seeing all children around the world lead joyous lives. I'll be more than satisfied if I can become a tool towards that goal". [40] He briefly dated Taiwanese actress Vivian Hsu. [117] Sugizo finds all religions very interesting and loves to read lots of books about them. Since his father was a Buddhist, while his mother was a Protestant, from the young age he has often been in contact with things related to church and Protestantism. Currently, he's more into Buddhism, or more specifically, Buddha himself. [40] Ever since he was little he was curious about occult subjects. While in Elementary School, he became obsessed with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, the Maya's Easter Islands and the Inca. One of the very important moments were when he was around 18 or 19 years old, after reading Shirley MacLaine 's book Out on a Limb, [28] he became even more intrigued about the spiritual world. Noting "As I grew older, I was able to better understand the things that caught my attention when I was young". [40] Sugizo in the interview said that "there are secrets held by a small elite who control the world... We spend our lives without ever being aware of the truth that is hidden from us", and so through the song "Tell Me Why You Hide The Truth? " meant "We have to liberate freedom and rebuild it by ourselves. I think the world is in need of a revolution. To know what to believe, to know what's really going on in this world we have to take the initiative. That's the sort of signal I'm trying to send". [40] However, he tries to avoid mixing ideology with music because it changes music as such. [12] Activism [ edit] In 2001, Sugizo participated in Ryuichi Sakamoto 's N. M. L. ("No More Landmines"), a campaign to promote awareness of the problems of land mines and promote a ban on them, and helped in the making of the album Zero Landmine. [118] [119] In 2007, he participated in the project Stop Rokkasho, run by the Japanese NGO Boomerang Net and headed up by Sakamoto, [4] [120] created to bring attention to the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant in Aomori Prefecture. [120] His interest in environmental issues led to attend many environmental events. In 2007, Sugizo became involved with Greenpeace, specifically regarding the whaling in Japan. He gave a name to one humpback whale (Lyra) and followed the Great Whale Trail. [8] [121] After the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Sugizo continued to yearly volunteer and offer educational assistance to the locals of Ishinomaki and Minamisōma among others. [12] [122] [123] In 2016, Sugizo made a live performance at a Syrian refugee camps of Zaatari and Azraq in Jordan. [124] [125] Since then one of his guitars has a sticker titled "Save Syria". [126] In 2018, as part of an event promoting cultural exchanges held jointly by Japanese companies and Palestinian NGOs, he made a live performance at an Aida Camp which audience mostly included children of Palestinian refugees in West Bank. [127] Equipment [ edit] Sugizo's signature ESP Eclipse S-VIII Brilliant MixedMedia guitar at an X Japan concert backstage in 2011 Sugizo playing his ESP Kranz EV-75 violin Sugizo's guitar rack at an X Japan concert in 2011 Sugizo almost exclusively uses ESP guitars and he has around sixteen signature models with them, mostly with the Eclipse body style or other Gibson-style shapes like the RD and Flying V. But their specs are more similar to a Fender Stratocaster than any Gibson, using single coils, alder bodies and maple necks, 25. 5" scale length and tremolos. Lately he's favored a P-90 in the bridge position and vintage-style trems, as opposed to the 3 single coils and Floyd Rose trems he used for most of his career. His signature models feature the ESP logo written in the same font as the Luna Sea band logo, a feature also found on J's and Inoran's signature models. For his solo projects and recent shows he also often uses Stratocaster-type guitars from Navigator, a very high-end custom shop related to ESP. His acoustic guitars of choice are usually C. F. Martin Dreadnoughts. He also plays signature electric violins made by Kranz, and his bows are made by Codabow. [128] [129] [130] His amps have changed often throughout his career but are generally high-end and boutique brands, including Fender, Marshall, Mesa/Boogie, Matchless, Bogner, Custom Audio Electronics, Divided by 13 and Koch. Most recently he's been using EVH5150's and EVH 4x12" cabs with some additional heads like a Diezel Vh4. He's also performed using an Axe-Fx II. His effects are numerous and spanning several pedalboards and racks, but important staples are his DigiTech Whammy pedal for pitch effects, and delays and reverbs from various Eventide pedals and the TC Electronic 2290 Digital Delay. Open table to see signature models Brand Model Notes ESP Eclipse S-I Is a basic model of the Eclipse lineups. Traditional body shape, with 3 single-coiled pick up, all around type, which can respond to various styles of music. [131] Eclipse S-II The Eclipse S-II's feature is the heavy & thick bass sounds of a Humbucker and ample mid-range. When it first time appeared in public, the constitution was of through-neck, EMG-81 for its rear pick-up, and EMG-SA for its front pick-up, made its debut in Luna Sea's 1996 Unending Style tour. Later remodeled edition was introduced in song " Inside You " for 2000 Brand New Chaos tour. [131] Eclipse S-III The Eclipse S-III first time appeared with Luna Sea's 1996 Unending Style tour, when Sugizo played the solo for " Forever & Ever ". It was also used in Sugizo's 1996-1997 Abstract Day tour. The present front pick-up was placed on the middle pick-up position with its style like the S-S-H design. The pick-up then was the same as the S-I in the same year, equipped with Lasesensor. On the 1998 Shinging Brightly tour, front pick-ups were placed next to the sustainer driver pick-up. At that time, the front pick-up was equipped on the bridge side. After that, there was an improvement of the driver pick-up by Floyd Rose Sustainer. Since December 1999, it developed into its present style. [131] Eclipse S-IV The Eclipse S-IV is the 12 stringed model of the Eclipse lineup. Used for the song " Velvet " on the 1998 Shining Brightly tour. As with the other models, the same body shape had its feature in the construction of a semi-hollow body with all-maple. The bridge equipped with 12 parts, which can be adjusted to an Octave with independent major & minor strings. This is the sole model equipped with tone control. [131] Eclipse S-V The Eclipse S-V's main feature is the original sound of pick-up P-90, which made its appearance with electric guitars in the 1940s, and being one of the most favorable throughout electric guitar history. Debuted in Slave limited Gig in August 1998. This model lasted from the first stage of the Shining Brightly tour, until Luna Sea's final tour. It supported some main songs like " Storm " and " I for You ". Currently is set up with SP-90-1 (Seymour Duncan). [131] Eclipse S-VI The Eclipse S-VI development based on Sugizo's concept, started in 1999 through making prototypes, and was completed in 2001. The 6-stringed model, one octave lower than the other orthodox models, has the same sound range as bass guitars. [131] Eclipse S-VII The Eclipse S-VII was completed in 2000, for making its debut on the Brand New Chaos tour. Was also used for Sugizo & the Spank Your Juice performances. A thin 45mm nut-width was made for the first time for a 7-stringed guitar. Bridge-string pitch 9. 6mm, nut side-string pitch 6. 5mm, 7-stringed bridge & rock nut. Also was attached a unique 3 single-coiled pick-up. [131] Eclipse R-I The Eclipse R-I was developed based on a concept Sugizo had cherished for a long time. It made its debut on the 2000 Brand New Chaos Act II tour, but more than a year had been spent before the model was finally completed in 2001. Its constitution was of single-coiled pick-up and a Floyd Rose Bridge. Its 42mm thin flattop Adler body with broad-surfaced body design has its quick sound response (a bit different from Eclipse S-I) and also has ability to emphasize wide range sounds. [131] Eclipse E-I The Eclipse E-I made its debut at Sugizo's solo project performance Abstract Day in 1997. It is a semi-acoustic Sugizo model but equipped with Floyd Rose Bridge. [131] Eclipse S-I Brilliant -Mixed Media- The Eclipse S-I Brilliant -Mixed Media-, appeared on July 30, 1996 on the Unending Style tour, as a custom version of Eclipse S-I. Created as a collaboration between the ESP manufacturing staff and Sugizo. This model was equipped with vintage Lase Blue of Lasesensor for the rear pick-up which was modeled exactly by Sugizo himself. In 1997, after the tour, it was sold as a signature model with a limited number produced. [131] Eclipse S-I Python The Eclipse S-I Python made its debut on December 23, 1998 at the Tokyo Dome on the Shining Brightly tour. This model was used for both Asian tours and the 2000 Brand New Chaos tour. In 2000, its sales were limited to 40 because of difficulty to get the real leather of Diamond Pison, but the number of products was increased up to 120. [131] Eclipse S-III Brilliant -Mixed Media- The Eclipse S-III Brilliant -Mixed Media-, as of September 1999, it was put on the market with a limited production of 100. But because of its popularity, two months later 50 more were announced. When it went on the market, Seymour Duncan SJAG-1 carried on the pick-up. [131] Eclipse S-III Custom -Fretless- For the Eclipse S-III Custom -Fretless-, Sugizo originated the idea that fit sustainers to the fretless guitars, and often uses it for his recordings. Its basic components are the same as the S-III. Black-binding is used, which is rare for Eclipse series. [131] PR - Triple Neck The three necks are (each from high to low) 12-stringed guitar, sustainer attached fretless guitar and the Floyd Rose 6-stringed fretted guitar. The pick-ups on each three necks are set to instantaneously change. Presently, the standard models are the same as S-I with Seymour Duncan Antiquity Strat Custom Bridge. Sugizo performed with this triple neck guitar for Luna Sea's openings from 1995's Mother of Love tour, up to the last stage of Epilogue 2000, with the songs " Loveless " and " Genesis of Mind ~Yume no Kanata e~. [131] PR - Double Neck The combination of a 6-string and a fretless guitar started only with Sugizo. Its pick-ups are EMG-SA for the fretless, and Seymour Duncan Antiquity Strat Custom Bridge for the fretted. The bridges are a combination of Tune-matic-bridge (black nickel coating) and Stop-tailpiece. The first time it was used was for song " 4:00 AM " on Luna Sea's 2000 "Brand New Chaos" tour. [131] Seymour Duncan DG-300R CTM Sugizo used a Jaguar -type black guitar (made by Seymour Duncan) for Luna Sea's 2000 Brand New Chaos tour. It was a developed type of a Jaguar with new tensions & sustains. The secret to its success was in the scale change from short to medium. Its bridge was equipped with ST's synchronized tremolo. [131] DS-280M-RV Built for right-handers from a left-hand body and neck, which Sugizo pursued as newer possibilities than the Stratocaster. Results are both mellower tones in higher-tone strings and tighter low tones in lower-tone strings. He started using this model on Luna Sea's "Brand New Chaos" tour, at the live in Yokohama Arena on July 15, 2000. It is known to be responsible for the reversible-strato-tones in " Virgin Mary ". [131] Edwards & GrassRoots List of five Edwards guitars, and four GrassRoots guitars Sugizo used on lives respectively. [132] (Electric Violin) Kranz EV-75 The violin Sugizo plays on his performances. [131] Concerts and tours [ edit] 1997: "Abstract Day" 2001: "Sugizo & The Spank Your Juice Abstract Day 2001" 2008–09: "Rise to Cosmic Dance" Support band: Origa on vocals, Takumi Samejima on guitar, Fire on bass, Greg Ellis on drums, d-kiku on keyboards and programming, K-Ta and Kenji Yoshiura on percussion, Shinpei Ruike on trumpet. [133] 2009–10: "Next Phase of Cosmic Dance" 2011: "Stairway to the Flower of Life" Support band: Origa on vocals, Takumi Samejima on guitar, Tokie on bass, Motokatsu Miyagami on drums, d-kiku on keyboards and programming, Kenji Yoshiura on percussion, Shinpei Ruike on trumpet. Discography [ edit] Studio albums Truth? (November 19, 1997), Oricon Peak Position: #12 [18] C:Lear (October 1, 2003) #56 [18] Flower of Life (December 14, 2011) #62 [18] Tree of Life (December 14, 2011) #69 [18] Oto ( 音, December 23, 2016) #132 [18] Oneness M (November 29, 2017) #23 [18] Remix albums Replicant Lucifer (August 27, 1997) #24 [15] Replicant Prayer (November 6, 1997) #54 [15] Replicant Truth? (December 21, 1997) Spirituarise (December 5, 2007) Vesica Pisces (March 6, 2013) #227 [18] Replicants (October 25, 2017) #232 [18] Switched-On Oto (May 2018) [134] Compilation albums Sugizo meets Frank Zappa (December 22, 1999) Cosmoscape (July 23, 2008) #69 [18] Spiritual Classic Sugizo Selection (September 24, 2014) #133 [18] Cosmoscape II (19 December 2018) Live albums Live in Tokyo (2019) Soundtracks Parallel Side of Soundtrack (November 14, 2001) H・Art・Chaos ~Suichoku no Yume~ (December 31, 2001) Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (February 27, 2002) #80 [18] Silent Voice ~Acoustic Songs of Soundtrack~ (May 9, 2002) Nemuri Kyoshiro Burai-hikae (May 14, 2010) 7Doors ~ Bluebeard's Castle ~ (May 30, 2012) Tokyo Decibels ~Original Motion Picture Soundtrack~ (May 17, 2017) Singles "Lucifer" (July 9, 1997) #8 [15] "A Prayer" (September 10, 1997) #7 [15] "Rest in Peace & Fly Away" (April 10, 2002) #46 [15] Sugizo feat. bice "Super Love" (August 21, 2002) #42 [15] Sugizo & the Spank Your Juice "Dear Life" (November 20, 2002) #47 [15] "No More Machine Guns Play the Guitar" (January 24, 2003) #50 [15] "Tell Me Why You Hide the Truth? " (December 16, 2009) "Messiah" (December 16, 2009) "Do-Funk Dance" (January 27, 2010) "Fatima" (January 27, 2010) "Prana" (February 24, 2010) "Dear Spiritual Life" (March 31, 2010) "No More Nukes Play the Guitar" (April 13, 2011) "The Edge" (April 13, 2011) "Miranda" (June 29, 2011) Sugizo feat. MaZDA "Neo Cosmoscape" (July 27, 2011) Remixed by System 7 "Enola Gay" (August 15, 2011) "Pray for Mother Earth" (September 11, 2011) Sugizo feat. Toshinori Kondo "Final of the Messiah" (August 29, 2012) Remix by System 7 "Super Love 2012" (September 11, 2012) Sugizo feat. Coldfeet " Life on Mars? " (August 15, 2016) "Lux Aeterna" (September 30, 2016) "Raummusik" (October 31, 2016) "Meguriai" ( めぐりあい, June 11, 2019) Sugizo feat. Glim Spanky "Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete" ( 水の星へ愛をこめて, June 18, 2019) Sugizo feat. KOM_I ( Wednesday Campanella) "A Red Ray" (June 25, 2019) Sugizo feat. miwa "Hikari no Hate" ( 光の涯, August 13, 2019) Sugizo feat. Aina The End ( BiSH) Other discography: With Luna Sea With The Flare "Inner Child" (August 25, 2004) #70 [135] "Uetico" ( ウエティコ, December 1, 2004) "Positivity" (June 1, 2005) #104 [135] "Manatsu no Koibito" ( 真夏ノ恋人, August 31, 2005) #93 [135] The Flare (February 8, 2006) #95 [136] With Juno Reactor Gods & Monsters (April 22, 2008) The Golden Sun of the Great East (April 24, 2013) With X Japan " Scarlet Love Song " (June 8, 2011) " Jade " (June 28, 2011) " Born to Be Free " (November 6, 2015) Session discography Issay; Flowers (1994) – violin on "Asamade Matenai" Media Youth; Spirit (1995) Tracy Huang; Crazy for Love (1998) – "So Near, yet so far Away" composed and produced by Sugizo Glay; Pure Soul (1998) – guitar on " Yuuwaku " d-kiku; Miniature Garden (1998) – violin on "Tamarisque", guitar on "Close", "Synapse" and "Sound of View", "Cross" composed by Sugizo Miu Sakamoto; Aquascape (1999) – "Internal", "Eternal" and "Awakening (Endo Mix)" composed by Sugizo D. E. ; Progressive (1999) Miki Nakatani; "Chronic Love", "Frontier" (1999) Coldfeet; Flavors (1999) Redrum; "Redrum" (1999) – producer Miu Sakamoto; Dawn Pink (1999) – "Internal", "Eternal" and "The Eighth Colour " composed by Sugizo Tomoe Shinohara; Deep Sound Channel (1999) – "Voyage" composed and produced by Sugizo Vivian Hsu; Jiaban de Tianshi (2000) – "Tata" and "Mogui ai Shechi Yanlei" produced by Sugizo Honeydip; Another Sunny Day (2000) – producer Paul Wong; Yellow Paul Wong (2001) – guitar on three tracks N. (No More Landmines); Zero Landmine (2001) – guitar Nicholas Tse; Jade Butterfly (2001) Red; "Saga" (2001) – producer Miu Sakamoto; "Sleep Away" (2002) – composed, arranged and produced by Sugizo Kiyoharu; Poetry (2004) – guitar on "Melancholy" Redrum; Second Circle (2004) – producer D'espairsRay; Born (2004) – violin on "Marry of the Blood" Miu Sakamoto; Oboro no Kanata, Akari no Kehai (2007) – producer Miyavi; " Hi no Hikari Sae Todokanai Kono Basho De " (2008) – guest guitarist on the title track Acid Black Cherry; Black List (2008) – guitar Toshi; Samurai Japan (2010) Tezya; Life My Babylon (2010) – on "Cosmo of Love" m. o. v. e. ; "Overtakers" (2011) – guitar Japan United with Music; " All You Need Is Love " (2012) – guitar solo Ryuichi Kawamura; Concept RRR 「Never Fear」 (2014) – guitar on "Ai no Uta" Sukekiyo; Immortalis (2014) – remixed "Hemimetabolism" on the limited edition Kazumi Watanabe; Guitar is Beautiful KW45 (2016) – guest guitar on "Round Midnight" and "Island Hop" Dir en Grey; "Utafumi" (2016) – violin on "Kūkoku no Kyōon" Trustrick; Trick (2016) – violin on "I Wish You Were Here" Maon Kurosaki; "Vermillion" (2016) – composed and produced the title track Yoshiki feat. Hyde; " Red Swan " (2018) – guest guitar SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]; Remember (2019) – violin on "Glory -Into the RM-" Tribute album appearances Auto-Mod; Tribute to Auto-Mod ~Flower in the Dark~ (1994) – on "Smell" and "Deathtopia" Japan; Life in Tokyo - A Tribute to Japan (September 4, 1996) – "Quiet Life" and on "Le Fou" by The Experience of Swimming Osamu Tezuka; Atom Kids Remix ~ 21 Century Boys and Girls (February 24, 1999) – remixed "Fushigi na Merumo" by Cibo Matto Anarchy; Q:Are we Anarchist? (June 23, 1999) – on "Reformation Child (Revolution Kids)" Yellow Magic Orchestra; YMO Remixes Technopolis 2000-00 (November 3, 2000) – remixed "Perspective" Yellow Magic Orchestra; Tribute to YMO (September 8, 2004) – remixed "1000 Knives" Gundam; Gundam Unplugged ~Acogi De Gundam A. c. 2009~ (December 9, 2009) – "Beginning" Dead End; Dead End Tribute - Song of Lunatics (2013) – guitar on "Serafine" Various artists compilation appearances Dance 2 Noise 004 (January 21, 1993) – "Revive" Grand Cross (August 11, 1999) – "Aquarius After the Le Fou", "Luna-tica ~Life on the Hill Mix~ (Remixed by 4Hero)" Mother Earth I (March 27, 2002) – "Anna Tumoru" and on "Devil's Tear" by Vivian Hsu Sugizo Compiles Global Music I (October 23, 2002) Videography [ edit] A. D. 2001 Final (November 27, 2002) #86 [137] Brilliant Days (January 11, 2005) Rise to Cosmic Dance (March 25, 2009) #109 [137] Stairway to The Flower of Life (October 24, 2012) #81 [137] Sugizo vs Inoran Presents Best Bout ~L 2/5~ (April 26, 2017) #33 [137] Unity for Universal Truth (September 17, 2018) #55(DVD) / #45(BD) [137] Bibliography [ edit] A Prayer I (June 26, 1997) A Prayer II (July 8, 1997) Can I Fly? (February 13, 1998) Piano Solo Instruments ~Truth? Sugizo~ (June 30, 1998) Ecton x Sugizo Rise to Heaven on Earth (March 25, 2009) The Man Who Loved Music - A Life of Ups and Downs ( 音楽に愛された男、その波乱の半生, March 22, 2011) Filmography [ edit] Year Title Role 2002 Soundtrack Sion movie score composer Hogi-Lala ( ホ・ギ・ラ・ラ) [138] [139] Toshi ( トシ) Rock'n'roll Mishin ( ロックンロールミシン) RedЯum Fuji TV 2016 Tokyo Decibels [140] Kurosawa music director We Are X himself X Japan documentary References [ edit] ^ "Profile". Sugizo Official Website. 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External links [ edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sugizo. Official website Sugizo on YouTube Sugizo on ESP Guitars.

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First the director really put the camera person to work and it worked out just awesome. Being a photographer myself, I love off centered subjects. My subject doesn't have to be right in the center of my photos and some shots were filmed in that style as well. When you see the Nazi guard yelling, there was just music so not only could you not hear the guard screaming but he was a little off to the very right of the shot. I noticed that a lot. I loved the music playing when there was no other sound to some scenes. I also love wide open shots and the mountains and green pasture scenes were magnificent, plus lovely music in the background? Wow, that was mind blowing. I didn't care if it was 3 hours long bcz I was digging the photography and very little dialogue.
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